In the Mental Math kit, you will find a number of engaging worksheets thoughtfully designed by experts to help your child learn and strengthen their concepts and skills.
Math facts can be thought of as the basic building blocks of math.The more fluent and accurate a child’s knowledge of them, the more confidently and quickly they can work through problems.
The simple but fun games given in the kit will help young players strengthen concepts in addition, subtraction and multiplicati
We constantly reinforce the importance of hands on experiential learning or learning by doing. Puzzles are a wonderful way to engage young children in learning. This kit contains:
Mental Math is all about strategies and quick calculation techniques. Our Strategy Cards are designed for young children and help them calculate with speed and accuracy.
..and many more exciting activities
Our Skill Booster Mental Math kit is ideal for ages 6+ years. This kit has 200+learning materials that covers the topic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, multiplication tables, fraction, place value, time, odd & even concepts and much more. You will find variety of engaging activities, 50+ worksheets & printables, math challenges, fact cards, game boards, multiplication puzzles, place value puzzles, deck of game cards, rewritable mats, strategy charts, anchor charts, and much more in this all in one Mental Math Senior learning kit. One of the standout features of the Mental Math Senior Kit is its emphasis on DIY activities & gamified approach to understanding math concepts.
These activities are designed to boost critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience. Through practice exercises and interactive worksheets, children will gain a solid understanding of these essential topics. It’s the perfect resource to support your child’s academic growth and achievement. Kit encourages independent learning, encouraging children to develop self-confidence as they master new skills.
Your kid’s learning math with ClassMonitor will be an interactive and hands-on learning experience, one which will set the right foundation for their higher education. Our Skill Booster - Mental Math Senior Edition and digital application is an optimum mix to ensure to set the foundation for a lifelong of math.