The Importance of Play Based Learning

Children are always watching and listening, moving and feeling. The daily interactions and experiences you share with your children is how they learn about the world around them. These interactions involve Play.
Play based learning plays a powerful and important role in your child’s development. These fun activities naturally and positively influence children’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. The best learning happens with fun and play.
A play based learning environment encourages talking, reading, thinking and writing. Children will find many things to play with, both inside and outside. Through these fun activities, your child will learn about different aspects of their surroundings. Play along with them and you will be amazed at what you can learn together with these fun learning activities.
Play isn't just about fun and giggles for toddlers – it's actually a scientifically proven powerhouse for learning and child’s development! Here's a cool fact to back that up:
“During playful exploration, a toddler's brain forms twice as many neural connections compared to passive learning situations. This means their little minds are literally building the pathways for future learning, creativity, and problem-solving!”
So, why is play based learning so magical for toddlers and preschoolers and what are their benefits?
The benefits of play based learning go far beyond cognitive development. It's a holistic approach that nourishes your child's development in every way. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of play based learning for toddlers, including:
- Enhancing cognitive skills: Play helps toddlers develop memory, attention, language, and critical thinking skills. Building with blocks, for example, teaches them about spatial reasoning and problem-solving.
- Boosting social and emotional development: Playtime with other children fosters cooperation, communication, and empathy. Pretend play allows them to experiment with different roles and emotions, building social intelligence.
- Improving physical development: Play gets toddlers moving, which helps them develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance. Running around, climbing, and playing with toys all contribute to their physical well-being.
- Nurturing a love of learning: When learning is fun and engaging, toddlers develop a positive attitude towards it. This intrinsic motivation sets them up for success in their future education.
Play based learning offers meaningful learning experiences that help a child's development when all the right elements are present.
In general, there are six key components:
- Process-focused — Play based learning is about the journey, not the destination. The process of play is the most valuable part, especially since young children are less goal-oriented while they’re playing.
- Imaginative — Dramatic play is an essential part of play based learning for preschoolers and up. Even if it doesn't make sense to you, your students are creating stories in their head and expressing themselves!
- Entertaining — When setting up fun activities, it’s important to emphasize engaging learning experiences. Set up enough ways to play that kids are engaged, but not overwhelmed with options.
- Structured or unstructured — Structured play based learning is directed by a teacher or facilitator, who acts as a mediator to help children use materials and deepen understanding. Unstructured play gives children time to engage in free play that’s directed by their own interests and natural curiosity.
- Exploratory — Play based learning should give children a chance to explore the world and gather new information about their place in it. As they play, children can learn about language, new objects, social relationships and more!
- Self-directed — The ideal play based learning experience is child focused and lets them make their own decisions about what to play with and how they want to play. This ensures play is motivating and can help strengthen their problem-solving skills.
So, the next time you see your toddler engrossed in play, remember – they're not just having fun, they're actually building the brainpower for a bright future!
Now let us show you some fun activities for preschoolers that will nurture creativity, problem-solving, and the very foundation for future academic success. We're about to explore 10 playful fun learning activities.
1. Sensory Scavenger Hunt: Hide objects with different textures, smells, and sounds for your child to find and describe. This engages their senses and builds language skills.
2. Storytelling: Let your child take the lead in creating a story together! Use puppets, props, or even just your voices to bring the tale to life. This boosts creativity, language skills, and imagination.
3. Building Block: Blocks aren't just for towers! Challenge your child to build bridges, houses, or even imaginary creatures. This fosters spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and fine motor skills.
4. Playful Lab: Mix water, food coloring, and glitter in different containers to create "magical potions." This sparks curiosity, scientific thinking, and experimentation.
5. Dance Party: Put on some music and let loose! Dancing is a fantastic way to develop gross motor skills, rhythm, and self-expression.
6. Play Dough: Let your child's creativity run wild with play dough! This squishy medium helps strengthen fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and imagination.
7. Cozy Reading: Snuggle up and read stories together! Reading aloud exposes your child to new vocabulary, builds listening skills, and fosters a love of books.
8. Musical festivity: Grab pots, spoons, or even homemade shakers and create your own band! This is a fun way to develop rhythm, auditory processing, and coordination.
9. Nature Wonder: Explore your backyard or a local park. Point out different plants, insects, and animals. This sparks curiosity about the natural world and builds observation skills.
10. Art & Craft: Paints, crayons, and even finger paints unleash your child's inner artist! This encourages creativity, self-expression, and fine motor skills.
Play is not just a luxury for toddlers – it's a necessity! So let them play, explore, and discover the world around them. Play based learning is the best way for them to learn and grow. The key is to follow your child's lead and let them explore freely. You'll be amazed at how much your little one learns and grows through these playful adventures. The messy moments, the silly voices, and the unexpected creations, that's where the magic of play based learning happens.