11 Must Read Very Short Moral Stories for Kids

We all grow up from a stage of childhood to being an adult. The most common aspect of everyone’s life is those moral stories! Which we’re told to us every time we did wrong by our parents and grandparents. These moral stories are an inseparable part of one’s life. And still, it holds the same existential value in the present modern world. These stories act as a reminder in our life. In this blog, we have listed a bunch of 11 very short moral stories!
Table Of Contents
- The Fox and the Crane
- The Goose with the Golden Eggs
- The Milkmaid and her pail
- The Greedy Mouse
- The Boy Who Cried, Wolf
- The Crocodile and the Monkey
- The Mongoose and the Snake
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Honest Wood Cutter
- The Flying tortoise
- The Lonely Puppy
In a forest, there were two animals in the river line area. One was the fox, who was very cunning in nature and the other one was Crane. The fox one day had a night party arranged at his home and he invited the crane for a lovely dinner. The crane was very happy and excited to for the dinner party. And with that excitement, she went to his house and knocked on the door. The fox warmly welcomed her and asked her to take a seat at the dining table, till then he will serve dinner. The fox went to the kitchen and brought a shallow bowl full of soup. After seeing this behavior of the fox, the crane became very angry, but she was unable to show it. She had a long beak due to which it became difficult for her to sip that soup. Being agitated by this behavior, the crane left the fox’s house silently without uttering a word. And invited the fox to her house for dinner the next day. The next day, the fox went to her house and sat down for dinner, the crane then served the fox oat porridge in a narrow vase. The crane could easily finish her food but it became difficult for the fox. In the end, the fox understood how wrong he was to the crane and left after a deep realization.
MORAL: Greedy people dig their own graves.
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Long back ago, there was a farmer who had a small poultry farm in a village. The farm was looked after by the farmer and his wife. One day, the farmer went to purchase a goose so he went to the town for it. The next day when they were feeding the animals on their farm they saw that the goose had laid an egg, and that egg was made up of gold. The couple soon became rich by selling those golden eggs The couple became greedy day by day and decided to cut the goose. Because they thought that the goose had some machine inside to produce gold. Upon cutting the goose the couple realised that there was nothing like that. And they lost their golden laying goose because of their greed.
MORAL: Your Greed will cost you everything.

Once upon a time, there was a milkmaid. Every day she used to visit the nearby town to sell the milk. She carried the pail on her head in which the milk was there. She had a long desire to purchase a golden necklace for which she collected money from all over. She balanced the pail on her head throughout the way. One day she started thinking that today she will sell all the milk and the money. She will then have the the exact amount to purchase the necklace. She got busy in these thoughts & couldn’t control herself and lifted her head, imagining herself as wearing that necklace. As soon as she lifted her head, the pail fell down and all the milk from the pail spilled on the ground. And all of sudden her dream was destroyed by dreaming before the result .
MORAL: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Once in the village, there was a boy, who was very naughty. But the villagers didn’t know that. One fine day, the boy thought of mischievous act to trouble the villagers. He was at the top of the mountainous area and from there he screamed help! help! There is a wolf, HELP! All the Villagers went there to help him thinking that he was in trouble. But when they reached there the boy started laughing at them and said you people are very foolish. The villagers scolded him and went back. The next day he again did the same thing and the villagers again went for help but the boy laughed at them again and they were very angry with the boy this time. After some days, a big wolf came to him and the boy screamed for help. This time Villagers didn’t want to help thinking the boy was lying. The boy was injured by the wolf and ran to the village for some help but no one came to his rescue.
MORAL – No one believes a liar.
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Once upon a time, there was a monkey, he was very clever in nature and lived in a forest near a pond. And In the pond there lived a crocodile. The crocodile was very gentle and foolish. One day the crocodile and his wife were dining together and the crocodile told his wife about his friend monkey. He told her that he used to bring juicy fruits for him. The crocodile’s wife got excited and told the crocodile to bring the heart of the monkey for her to eat. Out of love for both his wife and friend, the foolish crocodile chose the love of his wife and agreed to bring the heart of his friend monkey. The next day, he went to the monkey and as usual, the money brought gave some juicy fruits to the crocodile. The crocodile enjoyed the fruits and told the monkey to sit on his back and he took the monkey on a pond tour. The monkey agreed and went to sit on his back. While they reached a little far, the crocodile told the monkey about the conversation with his wife that to bring your heart as food for her. He also told the monkey that he loved his wife very much and he has to do what she demands. The monkey was shocked but due to his clever nature, he used a tactic and told the foolish crocodile that he forgot his heart on the tree and he needs to bring it back. The crocodile then took the monkey to the tree and thought that the monkey would take his heart and come back to the crocodile. But the monkey, very cleverly using his presence of mind, ran away leaving that forest area forever.
MORAL: A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
In a village, there lived a farmer and his wife, who had a small infant son. When the farmer returned home one day, he encountered a mongoose and decided to keep it as a pet. His wife disliked the mongoose but reluctantly agreed to keep it. She used to keep the mongoose away from her son because she was afraid that the mongoose might harm her child. The lady went to the market one day and requested her husband to look after their son and keep the mongoose away from him. The farmer had to leave his son and mongoose alone at home since he had to go to the field for some important work. A snake came to the child and tried to harm the infant. The mongoose killed the snake and saved the child from the snake. Mongoose was sitting on the door with blood on his mouth. When the wife came home with the shopping basket she was on the mongoose in that condition and thought that it killed her son, and she attacked the mongoose and she went inside crying she saw her son sleeping on the bed. Then she understood the whole story and went back to the mongoose, but it was dead till that time. She regretted it.
MORAL- Never make decisions in a hurry.

Once upon a time, there were three pigs who were brothers and they all one day decided to build their houses on the mountain top area. The pigs went to the mountaintop to build their houses. The youngest one was Jolley, who made his house with straws and finished making his house within one hour. The middle one was Solley, who made his house with sticks and completed it within one hour. The eldest one was Molley, who made his house with bricks and cement, and it took him four hours to complete his house. The eldest one, Molley made so much effort because he was aware that the cunning fox would come and try to break his house if his house was not found to be strong enough. The next day the fox destroyed the houses of Jolley and Solley, and both the brothers were frightened and ran to Molly for help. The fox now came to the house of Molley, he there tried to destroy his house, but he couldn’t as the house was strong. Therefore, the brothers understood that the hard work put in making the house by Molley saved them today.
MORAL: Hard work always pays off.
Once upon a time, there was an elderly gentleman who was both innocent and diligent. He was a woodcutter by trade. He used to go to the forest to cut down trees. One day, his axe fell into the river while he was cutting a tree branch. He was unhappy and depressed since cutting down the timber was the only option he had. He was relaxing by the river’s edge. He looked everywhere for his axe but couldn’t find it. Suddenly, the Goddess of the River arrived and inquired if he needed any assistance. Everything was revealed to her by the man. The goddess had requested his assistance. She reappeared, brandishing a golden axe, and asked the man whether it was his axe, which he denied. She vanished once more and reappeared with a silver axe, which the man denied once more. Finally, they arrived with a wooden axe. Yes, it was his axe, the man said cheerfully. The goddess was so taken with him that she gave him both a golden and a silver axe, as well as a wooden one.
MORAL– Honesty is the best policy.
Once upon a time, there were two friends living in a forest. They were a monkey and a tortoise. The tortoise was very happy seeing the monkey flying from one branch of the tree to another. So one day, he asked the monkey to teach him how to fly. At first, the monkey laughed at him but he taught him how he uses his legs and flexible hands to fly over one tree to another. The tortoise practiced the steps shown by the monkey, but due to his short legs, he was not able to try even a step. And as soon as he went to the top of the tree he fell suddenly and below the place where he fell, there was a pair of banana wings that got attached to the shell of the tortoise from both sides. And the tortoise with whole excitement started to flap his newly attached wings and was able to fly now from one branch to another.
MORAL: Don’t give up, until you reach the goal.
Once there lived a puppy, whose name was Angel, and from the very beginning, he had black spots as a birthmark all over his body. And due to which other puppies and dogs did not talk to angels. They thought that the dog is suffering from some kind of disease and it is better not to go to him as they would also get the same disease. One day an old cow was passing by and he asked the lonely puppy i.e. angel that why he is not playing with other dogs and puppies. Angel narrated the whole story about his black spots story. The old cow understood the problem and asked an angel to look after all the cows, till the time he went to the other dogs and told them that there is nothing a disease to the puppy as such. Till then the puppy sacrificed his sleep and looked after the cows. The old cow came back and told him that now the dogs and the puppies can play with angels. Angel was very happy to find a friend like him.
MORAL: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
In today’s fast-moving world, what we often forget is the transfer of moral values to our children. The age-old tradition of blessing our children with morals usually takes place by narrating multiple stories which we know of. We tell these stories to our children and make them aware of our values that would help them to grow better. Moreover, these stories not only teach morals rather it enriches the children with insight, which would ultimately build up their thinking capacity. It makes the child ready to embark on good things and also to nurture positivity in society. At the end of the day, it’s the responsibility of the parents to carve their children into worthy shapes. Therefore, these stories are a small stepping stone to achieving that goal.
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