Birds Activity

Introduction - Birds
NurseryDuration: 15 Minutes
Birds represent a link to our natural environment.
So, imparting knowledge about them becomes necessary. So, here is an activity to do so.
Material Required
- Flashcards- Birds
Activity Aim
learning about birds

Flashcards : Birds
Birds Sounds
Introduce by showing pictures of various birds from books and flashcards.
Introduce by showing pictures of various birds from books and flashcards.
Help your child to identify the birds.
Show the video and let your child listen to the sounds that different birds make.
Show pictures of the head, the beak, the eyes, the wings, the feathers, the tail and the feet of various birds.
Show pictures of the head, the beak, the eyes, the wings, the feathers, the tail and the feet of various birds.
Show pictures of the feet of perching birds like a crow, sparrow, parrot with three toes in front and one in the back of the foot. The talons of an eagle, owl, vulture and the webbed feet of a duck, swan, goose and a pelican.
Tell your child that birds lay eggs, they have feathers and most birds can fly.
Readout or narrate stories:
- The Thirsty Crow
- Are You My Mother By P D Eastman