Animal Kingdom Activity

Animal Hopscotch


Animal Hopscotch

Senior KG / KG2
Duration: 25 Minutes


A great classification activity with an added twist for your child.

Material Required

  • Animal Hopscotch Cards

Activity Aim

learning about animals  Learning to classify 



Draw a hopscotch pattern of 10 squares using chalk on the floor or ground. Take 10 ’Hopscotch’ cards - three mammal cards, two bird cards, two insect cards, one fish card, one amphibian card and one reptile card.
Tape a card in each square as per our digital picture.


Give your child a coin/bottle-cap/stone.
Ask your child to stand behind the starting line to toss his/her stone in square one or on the mammal (for example).


Your child should hop over square 1 to square 2 and then continue hopping to square 10, turn around, and hop back again.


Ask your child to pause in the square where the stone lands and pick up the stone, then hop in the next square, name a mammal and hop out.


Repeat the activity by tossing the stone in square 2.


All hopping has to be done on one foot unless you come to two squares that are side-by-side. Then two feet can be placed one in each square.
Your child has to hop over any square where the stone has been placed.


Getting out: If a stone fails to land in the proper square, if the hopper steps on a line, the hopper loses balance when bending over to pick up the stone and puts the second hand or foot down, the hopper goes into the square where the stone is, puts two feet down in a single square or if the hopper is unable to name the correct animal.